Note importante:
Tous nos produits ont été testés de façon exhaustive. Cependant, comme tout cuir est unique, de par sa matière première et par les méthodes et produits de tannerie, nous recommandons de toujours faire un test dans un coin moins visible AVANT l'application de n'importe quel produit d'entretien du cuir.

[ 230 ] Items




Bonjour! Juste un petit mot pour vous dire que j'aime énormément votre produit URAD pour le cuir! J'emploie pour ma part celui qui est neutre et franchement, il est merveilleux! En tous cas, je tenais absolument à vous féliciter pour votre produit car je peux vous dire que c'est le meilleur que j'ai connue sur le marché! J'espère qu'il restera encore très longtemps sur le marché car depuis que je l'ai connu, je ne peux vraiment plus m'en passer! Merci pour votre bon produit!


Excellent quality product! Website is well organized and easy to use.

Lauren R. House


I have two very expensive Natuzzi Leather couches, about 7 years old. They have looked very old and worn the past few years and almost ended up in the trash. My new girlfriend is a professional re-upholstery expert, and after she took them apart, restrapped and restuffed them, they were comfortable again, but still looked bad. I had purchased Urad neutal at the home show last winter for to use on my leather jackets. She tried it on the leather couches after cleaning them and now both couches look factory new again! Saved me $5,000 which they would have cost to replace. I can't say enough positive things about how well this product works!

Howard L. Medinger


We have found the Urad products in the natural and in the black to be great for baseball shoes and especially umpires shoes.

Ross Bailey


J'ai utilisé Urad la première fois qu'on me l'a offert lors d'un festival de danse country et je l'ai adoré. Non seulement, il nettoie les bottes de cowboy, mais il les fait reluire comme des neuves. Par la suite, je l'ai utilisé sur mes souliers, mes sandales, mes bottes d'hiver, etc... et c'est le même succès. Je n'ai jamais été aussi satisfaite d'un produit pour le cuir. Je le recommande à tous... Il vaut son prix! Diane

Diane Taillon


Although I don't usually fall for demos of products like this at trade shows, I was impressed and bought a small container of URAD about two years ago at a motorcycle show in Toronto. The small container has lasted well and I have had much use out of it, good value for money. I use it mostly on motorcycle leathers and boots, but also on leather upholstered furniture in our home. Results have always been great - couldn't ask for more! I have just ordered a new and larger supply of URAD as well as SAHARA which I will now try as well. Highly recommended!

Brian Mitchell


I bought this clear polish 12 years ago in Canada and could never find it until now. It by far is the best!

Jack Kaplan


Bought mine at a boat show about 4 years ago or so. We love it. It works wonders on scuffed leather shoes.

Ellen Pruett


I hate buying things at fairs. I am glad I did great stuff!

Victor Despiganovi

We sell thousands of pairs of Department store returned shoes. Also, sporting goods, luggage and purses. Occasionally, they have a scuff or a mark. URAD products clean them up beautifully. I now have 3 kits of URAD with all the colors, Grasso and Aquila. One with my shipping manager to touch up, one with me if they just need a light touch, and one with my refinisher. Thanks, URAD!

Sporting Goods USA

I first bought a jar of URAD at the Denver, CO outdoor show many years ago. The product has kept my shoes looking good and it makes them last longer as they do not dry out and crack.

John Larson


Ça fait plusieurs années que je cherche un produit qui remettrait à neuf mes canapés de cuir. URAD est un produit exceptionnel ! Je suis reconnaissante à ma belle soeur de me l'avoir fait connaître. Je me charge à mon tour de faire connaître URAD à tout mon entourage. Merci pour ce produit fabuleux !

Renée Dion


I picked up a jar of Urad at a Home & Garden Show 2 years ago. I am hooked on this product. I have a leather recliner that is 2 years old and still looks brand new thanks to this wonderful product. I will never be without it!



Wow, eight pairs of shoes in 9.23 minutes! Besides looking professionally done, it was a new Guinness World Record! SPG

Steven Grossnickle


I purchased the leather cream at the ia state fair grounds recently at some lawn garden show. This stuff has been fantastic. I have always dreaded to polish my shoes and leather products. This cream makes it fun and easy and quick and you can see the great results immediately

Robert Steben


Nous apprécions énormément les produits URAD. Chaussures Fillion Sports offre le servive d'entretien gratuit des chaussures achetées dans une de nos succursales et ce sont les produits URAD que nous employons pour conserver le bel état du cuir et satisfaire encore plus nos clients. D'ailleurs nous effectuons souvent des démonstrations sur de vieilles chaussures afin d'appuyer et garantir nos ventes de produits. Nous gardons toujours en inventaire plus d'une soixantaine de produits URAD incluant Tenderly et URAD Mât. Nous vous félicitons pour la qualité de vos produits et la rapidité de vos livraisons.
De la part de toute l'équipe, Merci pour votre bon travail!

Chaussures Fillion


I just purchased some URAD at the KC Home and Garden show. I even brought out one of my cousions the next day to the show to see if this stuff was going to work. At first we didn't think that it was but after it sat for a few minutes and the color started to come back. I was sold! I am so impressed with this product! I had a couch and chair w/ ottoman and URAD has totally brought it back to life. It looks like I have brand new funiture. They were so faded from the sun and I had been trying every product on the market that was promising to restore our funiture to the orginal color. Well URAD did it! You have found a loyal customer for life!

Tracy Hein


Happy New Year!! I just want you to know that this is the very best leather product that I have ever used!! Thank you and warmest Regards,

Laurie Phillips


Before I tried Urad I was using Doc Bailey's. This paste is safer than liquid so now I only use Urad. Why take a chance on spillage. Dan

Dan Grogan


I found URAD about 5 years ago at a bike rally, and I have not found any other product that comes even close. It spoke for itself. I am so thankful that it's still available to purchase. I wouldn't use anything else. It's worth it's weight in gold.

Diane Harden


I first picked up Urad at a motorcycle show in my area. I was wowed when I used it on a black leather sheepskin jacket that had turned grey with wear. It was amazing to see it turn black again. I then discovered that it was great for repairing the warn edges on a ladies' dress coat and on another men's jacket. Since then, I look for and pick up Urad at every motorcycle show I attend. It not only revives the leather, but makes it less prone to scuffing. Great product!

Richard Morra

ON. Canada

I tried some of the neutral Urad a few years ago. I've never found another product that works better on shoes! It literally brings the shoes back to life and makes them look brand new again!

Chantell McNeese


This is a picture I took before and after using the Black Urad product on a badly faded purse.
The man who brought the purse in for his wife, said that she was stunned at the results. He didn't tell her that he brought it in, and he surprised her with the refurbished purse on her birthday!
SEE GENE's Picture here



The finest product I have used for work boots that I have found in my life. I work in a moist damp enviroment,and have found your product keeps my feet dry and my boots conditioned. My boots have lasted twice as long as they did using other products.

Don Pickerl
