Important notice:
All our products have been subjected to exhaustive testing. However, since every leather is unique, both in terms of the raw materials, products employed and tanning methods used in its preparation, we recommend that a test be made on a less visible part of the article prior to the application of any leather care product.

[ 230 ] Items




Saw the product at a trade show. So impressed I bought a can there and ordered two more. Highly recommended.

Jeff Luck


URAD is by far the best leather care product I have ever found. Quick and easy to use. Does not build up residue on surface of leather like other instant polishes. Great for maintaining law enforcement duty leather gear as well as civilian leather, especially western boots. I have been using URAD since the early 1990s and just placed another order. The five can special is a great deal, and the company will substitue colors on some of the order if requested. I strongly recommend the product and am a long time repeat customer.

Jeff McDermott


URAD made my saddles look new again. Love this product!

Susan Hervey


The products you offer for leather care are superior to anything else I have ever used!! I started using URAD on all my business shoes about 10 years ago when I lived in Manhattan. I then tried Tenderly leather cream with some URAD mixed in to preserve the moisture in the leather that Tenderly provides. I used it on a fine leather jacket and some leather dress gloves. I now live in South Florida and use it regularly to maintain and protect all my leather furniture & car seats from the drying affects of sunlight and air conditioning. It works extremely well!! My jacket and winter gloves now spend most of the time in the closet, but they look and feel as new as they did the first time I wore them! I highly recommend these products to anyone who invests in buying things made of leather. Keep up the good work, Dynamique



Your product came with my custom crocodile motorcycle seat. Alligator Bob in Lake Vila, IL made the seat and thought enough of your creme to send it along with the expensive seat. I live in Florida and the seat is subjected to all types of extreme weather conditions. It is now 4 years old and looks just like it did when it was made after using the product. I think it saved me a bunch of money. I also use this on my exotic hide cowboy boots. Works great as advertised. Thank you.

Jon Barrow


A friend of mine recommended that I try Urad on my motorcycle leathers. After applying just a small amount to my jacket and chaps I still cant believe what a difference it made. I dont think they looked this good new as they do after applying Urad! You have a customer for life!

Tim Chandler


Late last Fall, I bought a 2011 Buick Regal with very light tan leather seats (colour is called "Cashmere" by GM), and over the wet & snowy winter the seats became very visibly stained with the blue dye from my wife's and my new blue jeans !! My reaction ? Near panic !! Dark blue dye on light tan leather seats, yipes, oh no !! I very carefully tried a couple of brand name leather cleaning products available from car specialty shops, with no removal of the stain (and fortunately, no damage to the leather). Now what? I knew of URAD, but thought it was more for leather preservation, especially shoes, coats, etc., for which I have used it for several years with great satisfaction. Well, after scanning the internet, and reading some info & testimonials on URAD's Aquila leather cleaner, I figured it was worth a try, and the risk of leather damage would be very limited for such a well known brand.. After testing the cleaner in an inconspicuous area to ensure it would cause no damage, I gingerly sprayed some on the driver's seat .... and could not believe my eyes !!! The blue dye "melted" away before my eyes and blue-stained Aquila cleaner liquid was just sitting on the surface of the leather, waiting to be wiped away.. which I quickly did, with a HUGE smile on my face and while almost laughing foolishly with joy :-) Bottom line: I am ENTHRALLED with this cleaner, and see it is of the same quality as the leather treatment products that I have used for more than a decade !! I guarantee I will be a dedicated URAD customer for the rest of my life !! Ladies & Gentlemen of URAD, Bravo and thanks for creating such a high-quality product line !! Rick G (Montreal, Qc, Canada)

Rick Groot

Quebec, Canada

These are the most AMAZING products ever made. I have used URAD on leather that looked like it was at the end of its life and these products have literally given the leather nine new lives. You will see a difference right before your eyes. Thank you for making such a great set of products. I have restored saddles, handbags, shoes, you name it.

Ann Donovan


I have purchased Urad products from my local cobbler for the past three years. I love the shoe creme, it is so easy to apply and the shoes continue to look like new.



Exactly what we were looking for--my wife's favorite shoes look brand new again!

Donny R. Jones


Great product. It covered some light scratches on my BMW seats. Highly recommended

Rodolfo Uribe


I purchased Urad at a Farm and ranch show last year and absolutely love it, there are about 8 pairs of boots in our house and it is used on every pair! Just this week My father in law passed away and we wanted his championship Roping saddle to put on his casket with flowers so we dug it out of the tack house and it was amazing how beautiful it looked once again. It made for a beautiful casket piece. I just ordered more and got some of the 50ml jars for gifts!! Thanks for making such a great product!!



I purchased an old, late 1800's early 1900's leather doctor's case at an auction. The piece was on its last leg. I had used your original neutral URAD before on my shoes so I thought I would give it a try on this case. It was amazing, not only did the color change but over time and an additional application the leather "came alive". Thank you for such quality products. I just ordered more product this evening to give as gifts.

Michael Johll


J'ai connu le produit en achetant dans un evenement à Saint-Tite et depuis ce temps je ne peux plus m'en passer c'est exceptionnel, résultat au dessus de mes attentes tout revient comme neuf. Bravo

mario barrette


Il y a 2 ou 3 ans, j'ai acheté une boîte d'URAD sur un marché en France voisine. J'ai utilisé ce produit pour des chaussures mais aussi pour entretenir des meubles. Je suis enchantée de ce produit - le bois brille de nouveau et est en même temps protégé de l'humidité. Je suis heureuse d'avoir trouvé enfin l'adresse pour commander d'autres produits!



I have used urad products to dress up my repair work for a number of years. I have received only positive comments sence I started, such as {how did you get these shoes to look like this ,they look like new shoes.} or, these don't look like my shoes, mine were old looking. I received a pair into my shop today with a note saying, can you make these look new again like the others you worked on. I have tried other products that are simular but they don't work like Urad.

Jack's shoe repair


A friend raved about your boot cleaner/polish and was kind enough to let me try it. My riding boots never looked so good and without having to apply a lot of elbow grease. I am looking forward to getting my own supply. Thank you

Sylvia Boon


Your product is the most impressive product I have ever used. My sofa went from curb-ready to graduation party ready with one application. I am going to order everyone a jar for christmas gifts. It is amazing. My shoe repair store recommended it to me- I can't tell enough people about it!

Lisa Greywitt

I discovered URAD at a show in Canada and purchased the product. Every year thereafter, for about 8 years when I visited Canada, I would make sure to purchase some before returning to Maine. At that time, URAD was not known to me or any of my friends. Now that it can be purchased on line, I don't have to wait for my visits to Canada! I have been a Police Officer for 34 years and cannot believe the shine and durability that URAD provides, but most of all it is the ease of applying that is the best feature for me. I wish I had discovered it years ago. My professional life would have been much easier! Thank you for such a wonderful product.

John Perrino

Maine USA

Mes vieux divans de cuir ont l'air neuf avec Urad. Ils l'ont l'affaire les italiens...

Eric Smith


Cool site.



I am on my third drum of URAD since discovering how good it was/is at the Burghleigh Horse Trials several years ago. It brings my old leather shoes back and they always look as good as new.


United Kingdom




URAD makes the most outstanding products I have ever used. It gets the job done quick and easy, and the shine outlast any other conditioner or polish I have ever used. Everybody who ask me what I shine my duty gear with and after I show them the URAD product, the next thing that is asked..."Can you order some for me?" Great product!

Carl Adams
