Important notice:
All our products have been subjected to exhaustive testing. However, since every leather is unique, both in terms of the raw materials, products employed and tanning methods used in its preparation, we recommend that a test be made on a less visible part of the article prior to the application of any leather care product.
» Products » cleaner » Tack » PHOLIURAD extract
Categories: Cleaner, Industrial.


Gentle leather cleaner concentrated.

Price: $51.95


Gentle leather cleaner concentrated. Must be diluted with 1 part concentrated formula for / 25 part water (preferably distilled water). One bottle will give 26 litres (6.9 US Liquid Gallons) of leather cleaner. See Aquila for more description of the resulting product.


Safe for all types of leather, including exotic leather and suede. Once diluted, it stays stable. Spray and wipe the leather clean.