Note importante:
Tous nos produits ont été testés de façon exhaustive. Cependant, comme tout cuir est unique, de par sa matière première et par les méthodes et produits de tannerie, nous recommandons de toujours faire un test dans un coin moins visible AVANT l'application de n'importe quel produit d'entretien du cuir.
» Témoignages » SAHARA concentrated

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While I am a committed URAD exclusive user as well as a distributor, I just tried another different top-coat care product that was suggested to me. Since I believe the only way to learn and develop excellence in your trade is to stay open to new ideas and possibilities - I bought it. I just want to say for the record that I ALWAYS am amazed at how superior Urad is in every way! I will not be wasting my money on anything else again- nothing could be better than the Urad line of products! Dena Hamilton -owner- Leather Care Specialists & Great Leather

Dena L Hamilton