Important notice:
All our products have been subjected to exhaustive testing. However, since every leather is unique, both in terms of the raw materials, products employed and tanning methods used in its preparation, we recommend that a test be made on a less visible part of the article prior to the application of any leather care product.

[ 229 ] Items




Unbelievable products My wife works in a hospital and gets comments daily as to how nice her shoes look. White URAD used with Tenderly keeps them looking new. It also keeps them soft. I also have used the netural URAD with the Tenderly on Leather furniture and it makes it so soft and rich looking. Jack

Jack Bass


Je n'ai que des bons commentaires sur la crème URAD. Je prends toujours le temps de bien expliquer comment l'appliquer et je recommande de garder le 2e couvercle pour une meilleure conservation du produit. Je n'ai pas beaucoup d'espace mais je mets tous les produits URAD bien en évidence à l'entrée de ma boutique car j'y crois vraiment.

Julie Doyon


J'utilise maintenant toujours le spray Camoscio pour le suède. Il contient beaucoup plus de couleur que les autres marques. J'ai commencé par utiliser le neutre et le noir mais je travaille maintenant avec toutes les couleurs.

Jean-Luc Alarie


Les autres produits ne sont absolument pas comparables. Quand un client m'apporte une paire de chaussures complètement défraîchie, j'applique un peu de URAD et les ramène à un état presque neuf en 30 secondes.

Bernard Lavoie


Un client, propriétaire d'une Jaguar, cherchait désespérément quelqu'un capable de restaurer l'intérieur de sa voiture sans l'abîmer. J'ai utilisé URAD neutre et ajouté un peu de URAD bleu là où la couleur était vraiment disparue. Je me suis assuré que rien ne déteindrait en frottant très fort avec un linge sec et en appliquant un peu d'imperméabilisant SAHARA. Le propriétaire de la Jaguar a été plus que satisfait du résultat et a déclaré qu'il ne pensait pas qu'un produit comme URAD existait.

Luc Lapointe


Nous montrons URAD à nos étudiants et vantons sa polyvalence et sa rapidité. C'est un produit unique. Il sèche vite et on a pas besoin de frotter. On enseigne aussi aux plus entrepreneurs qu'on peut le vendre ! Tenderly est aussi utilisé à l'intérieur du cours 'Coupe et Confection du cuir'. Nous aimons la douceur et la souplesse qu'il donne au cuir. Professeur au Centre de formation professionnelle de Neufchatel

Raymond Julien


Pas besoin de 5 ou 6 produits, URAD neutre est parfaitement efficace pour ramener la couleur originale du cuir, le nourrir, l'empêcher de sécher et lui donner un fini lustré. C'est un produit qui remplit ses promesses et que je qualifierais d'excessivement bon.

René Tourigny


Avant j'utilisais des sprays pour donner une finition brillante à mes travaux, mais les sprays faisaient craquer le cuir. Avec URAD, j'obtiens un fini brillant aussi rapidement, sans faire craquer, et je nourris le cuir en même temps!

Raymond Drouin


9 fois sur 10, je vends les produits URAD. Ils sont moins chers que la plupart des produits offerts et il donnent de bien meilleurs résultats !

Jacques Gill


Je répare beaucoup d'attelages qui sont souvent soumis à un usage excessif. À cause de la sueur des chevaux, les cuirs sont très desséchés. Non seulement URAD les ramène à un état presque neuf, mais il les empêche de sécher à nouveau.

Laval Perron


Bought URAD first at the local trade show some 10 years ago, been using it since on just about all leather products at home, great stuff, buying one jar every year



I bought a jar of URAD after it was recommended to me by a friend. At first I was skeptical, but after I tried it, my whole life changed. URAD really works miracles on my fine Italian leather boots.

Tim M


We bought at Home show 2/3 years ago. love this stuff! We even have the teenage kids using it because it is so quick and easy! We will never run out. Cheryl

Cheryl Icke


I use URAD on my motorcycle seat and saddle bags, as well as my LA-Z-BOY chair. I live in Denver where the sun is always shining and the air is very dry, but URAD keeps my leather soft, supple, and in great condition. I highly recommend URAD!

Chris Bird


Je viens de me procurer votre crème neutre pour cuir. Mes chaussures n'en reviennent pas et moi non plus! J'aurais dû en acheter davantage. Ce que j'ai l'intention de faire pour en offrir à mes fils, mon gendre, et autres en cadeaux. Merveilleux produit. Merci

Claire Poirier


I went to a bike show back in 2003 in Port Dover. There were people there using Urad at booths. A friend of mine tried it out on her boots and it did a very good job. I brough it into work recently because a girl here couldn't get rid of salt stains on her shoes. She used a little bit of the Urad and they are now like brand new. She triec magic marker and other shoe polishes to get rid of the salt stains but the only thing that really worked well, which she was very impressed by, is the Urad. My friend is now interested in getting some for herself. You don't have to use a lot and it works great. It really does.!!! WOW.........



I went to Toronto about 10 years ago and bought a jar of URAD neutral that was being shown at a department store. It was fantastic and after I used it up I looked all over in Atlanta and to no avail. I kept trying and even check the listing and internet and thought maybe the company was out of business as it was made in Italy. I then asked friends of mine in Rome and they couldn't help either. I kept the jar, the remainder dried up after 10 plus years, went on the internet today and found the website for URAD and ordered some. It's the BEST !! Thanks Jack

Jack Kaplan


After a free shine with URAD at the South Padre Island "Roar by the Shore" MC Rallyin October, I bought a jar, and proceeded to share it with seven of my riding companions. We knew we would be riding in heavy rain much of the 200 miles back up the Texas Coast, and three would be riding another 130+ in stormy weather.My BMW R1200 saddle also got a coat, as did ALL the leather and vinyl of a Honda GL 1500 Three Wheeler. Everyone arrived with dry feet, and my bike seats looked perfecct! In fact, everbody's boots looked perfect! All were impressed with the product, and decided to make a purchase. I've since redone my saddle and passenger seat, two pairs of my moto boots, my wife's boots, my neighbor's boots, my riding gloves, and I still have half of the seven oz. jar! This is real value. I recently went online to investigate this product at the source. I was impressed to find such an array of products for various materials and applications, as well as a Customer Support page that was so informative. The Sales Representative with whom I spoke at length about the various products was very knowledgeable, helpful, and has personally used most of the line himself, it would seem! I ended up ordering almost the entire product line, and now I'm prepared for the superior care of all my leather, and some of my fine wood as well, for a long time to come.



At Royal Show summer 2003 in Staffordhire England when stopped by Urad representative. He used the Urad Neutral to clean and shine my shoes which were very dirty due to a muddy showground over 3 days. This stuff revived my shoes and they were clean, shining and waterproof in seconds!! Yes I also purchased on the spot and have just ordered some more. Excellent product and very quick for families with kids for shining their shoes before they leave for school!!

Steve Turnell


I discovered URAD at a Home Show Exhibition about two years ago. The exhibitor shined my shoes and I was instantly convinced this stuff was remarkable. I bought a big jar on the spot even though I was unsure how long the shine would last. To my surprise, it lasted a long time! Two years later, I'm buying another jar. My husband INSISTED I get some more because it always keeps his dress shoes looking great for work. Thanks for a product that DOES what it claims it will do! A very happy customer... Gina


Missouri, USA

AS a shoe repair man, I am very happy with a product that makes me look good. I can use it on a black Coach purse that a customer is wearing, and don't have to worry about it rubbing off, and I can use it on boots, shoes, coats, what-ever, and it makes the customer happy immediately. I use Urad neutral when I do professional dye work, because it takes away the sticky feeling that dye work has. I always use the Tenderly as an extra as a top coat to complete the job. I use all colors, and I can mix them to make custom shades. I also use the neutral on alot of the leather full sole jobs that we do. It makes the leather soles have the new factory look.



Originally I was sold Urad while in Saskatoon on a business the Bay Dept. store, by a Urad Representative giving free shoe treatments...I purchased my first Urad Leather Cream...and I have never regretted is the easiest and best shoe treatment (any leather for that matter) that I have ever experienced. It lasts forever, it's well worth the price...! Thank you for your wonderful product!!!!


BC, Canada

I first purchased URAD at a home show in Phoenix, AZ (USA) about 3 years ago. Just finished it. Love it. Cleaned up the interior of my husbands car here in New Zealand complete with leather seats. They looked brand new when I was done. Even he was impressed. He had the car 11 years and had not cleaned the seats other than a wipe now and then when something spilled. I use it on my purses and shoes. It is fast, easy and the results are really amazing. I want my order to quickly get to me cause I am out. One container, 3 years. You do indeed, use very little! Thanks from a lifetime user, Debbie

Debbie Kennedy

New Zealand

My husband and I have tried other products similar to yours, but URAD products excels in quality and endurance every time.

Virginia Scott